Painting and Sculpture in the 20th century before 1940

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 2 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 2 part 2

Realism, Expressionism, Constructivism described

Mambrol The Naturalism of Émile Zola 2018

Rodin The Thinker initial analysis

Matisse Blue Nude initial analysis

Rilke Fifth Duino Elegy

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 3 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 3 part 2

Apollinaire Saltimbanques

Picasso Self Portrait 1906 initial analysis

Valadon The Blue Room initial analysis

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 4 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 4 part 2

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 4 part 3

Nash initial analysis Landscape of the Vernal Equinox III

Extracts from Allen Fisher Key specialist terms for Modernist Painting

Allen Fisher Extract from Introduction to Imperfect Fit 2016

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 5 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 5 part 2

Beckmann Carnival intrinsic and extrinsic analyses

Picasso Night Fishing at Antibes analyses

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 6 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 6 part 2

Duchamp The Large Glass initial anaysis

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 7 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 7 part 2

Kandinsky Composition 4 initial analysis

Allen Fisher Colour Theory and Practice

Extract from Flaubert Madame Bovary

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 8 part 1

Painting and Sculpture in the 20th before 1940 8 part 2

Ernst Oedipus Rex initial analysis

André Breton, First Surrealist Manifesto, 1924.